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A smartphone, smartwatch, and tablet sit side-by-side on a gray background, all three displaying colorful nighttime photos on OLED displays. A smartphone, smartwatch, and tablet sit side-by-side on a gray background, all three displaying colorful nighttime photos on OLED displays.

Mobile, illuminate brighter,
enhance efficiency with a smart OLED.

Tandem OLED Longer and brighter with two emission layers,
The answer is LG Display’s Tandem OLED.

Tandem OLED, featuring an extra emission layer, strives for greater efficiency
by reducing power consumption and increasing screen brightness.
Enjoy the ability to control display efficiency by managing power or brightness in the way that best fits your needs.

There is an OLED layer under the cathode, and the OLED layer is composed of three colors: red, green, and blue, from left to right. There is an OLED layer under the cathode, and the OLED layer is composed of three colors: red, green, and blue, from left to right. Cathode OLED Layer
There is an OLED layer between the cathode and anode, and the OLED layer is composed of three colors: red, green, and blue, from left to right. There is an OLED layer between the cathode and anode, and the OLED layer is composed of three colors: red, green, and blue, from left to right. Cathode OLED Layer Anode
  • A tablet and an arrow with an electricity shape pointing down is drawn, indicating a low power feature. Low power consumption
  • There is a circle of light emanating from the tablet screen and a glowing effect surrounding it, indicating a high brightness feature. High brightness

Same brightness,
but low power consumption

Tandem OLED technology's extra emission layer
results in a 40% reduction in power consumption
while the screen brightness remains unchanged.

A tablet screen showing a bright, colorful, abstract background.
The battery icon with a lightning bolt on the left. 40% Reduced power
A tablet screen showing a colorful background with a transparent display floating above it.
Luminance icon with multiple smaller circles surrounding a half-filled circle 40% Enhanced brightness

A brighter screen

With an additional emission layer, Tandem OLED
technology makes the screen brighter up to 40%
brighter while maintaining the same power consumption.

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