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EVP stands for "Employee Value Proposition,"
which represents the unique value that a company offers to its employees.

Work at a company
with the best technology.

LG Display has enhanced the customer experience with industry-leading display solutions.
At LG Display, talented members gather to lead the future industry,
seeking individuals who will exceed customer expectations by creating new value.

Continuously strive
to grow as professional.

Based on our expertise-based HR system, we provide systematic
support to help employees grow into professional through a rotation system,
job-specific training programs, and expert growth coaching.
Additionally, we have a "Research/Functional Fellow" system where individuals can be recognized
as experts by focusing solely on research and development.

Establish an environment that allows employees
to independently concentrate on their work.

We implement a "Flexible Time (flexible working hour)" system and remote work to improve productivity
and facilitate work-life balance by managing working hours systematically and encouraging voluntary use of vacation.

Actively support
a better life.

We offer a range of support systems to ensure
the well-being of our employees and their families, different work arrangements such as leave
and flexible hours to protect maternity/paternity, and an in-house daycare center.
Furthermore, we provide comprehensive company-level support for personal development.

Promote a culture
where everyone participates.

Regardless of rank, we address each other as "nim" and create a Speak-Up culture
where everyone freely suggests opinions, and individual opinions are valued.
The CEO and management directly listen to and reflect the opinions of members.


고객가치 최우선, 인사이트, 민첩, 치밀·철저, 열린 협업은
LG디스플레이 임직원이 갖추어야 할 행동방식입니다.

  • Customer First 고객가치 최우선

    모든 의사결정과 업무에서
    고객가치를 최우선으로
    생각하고 실행한다.

  • Insight Driven 인사이트

    전문성을 기반으로 현상과 환경변화,
    일의 본질을 꿰뚫어보고
    자사에 주는 의미를
    파악하여 전략적 대안을 수립한다.

  • Agility 민첩

    변화를 기민하게 포착하여
    대응방안을 적기에 실행한다.

  • Thoroughness 치밀·철저

    최고의 결과를 만들기 위해
    치밀하게 준비하고
    철저하게 실행한다.

  • Open Collaboration 열린 협업

    더 좋은 수준의 목표를 달성하기 위해
    내·외부의 경계 없이 협업한다.